Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Supreme Count Justice Alito blames his wife but surely he knows how to use a pair of scissors?

Echo opinion letter published in the New York Times: So, “We’re Suddenly Living in a ‘My Wife Did It’ Moment,” by Gail Collins and Bret Stephens (The Conversation, May 21):

Also, check out "Re “A Time-Honored Political Tactic: Throw Your Wife Under the Bus” (NYT front page, May 20):  The justice’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito, was in a feud with neighbors at the time over an anti-Trump sign so she hugn an upside down flag on their yard to protest the neighbor's protest. 😠(Maine Writer- do the Alito's live in a trailer park❓- just sayin' 😕😉)

Justice Samuel Alito says that his wife owns half of their home so she has “the constitutional right” to express a “Stop the Steal” opinion by hanging a flag upside-down in their front yard, as well as “a moral right” to express her opinion independently of her Supreme Court justice husband.  (Maine Writer-  Mrs. Alito has a right to hold her own opinions, but she also has a responsibility to protect her husband's judicial integrity.  If Alito says, "My wife did it, not me....then my quesiton is, could he find a pair of scissors and cut the offensive upside down flag symbol down?)
Hey Alito...enough with the flags!
Our Supreme Court justices are expected to maintain not just the reality of no conflicts of interest that might influence their rulings, but also the “appearance” of no such conflicts.

To neighbors and now the nation, the flag made it appear that Justice Alito believes Donald Trump’s lies about a stolen election, and thus would rule in favor of Trump in related cases. Blaming his wife makes a sham of his own responsibility not to appear political.

No!❗ A spouse may not express views in public that a justice is prevented from expressing. Were that to be the case, all justices could encourage their spouses to broadcast opinions the justice is barred from saying. That way lies madness.

From James Berkman in Boston Massachusetts

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