Maine Writer

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Vote Democrat in 2024 to protect Democracy. President Biden is competent to save the Constitution from Trumpziim

Echo opinion published in the Los Angeles Times:
This 2024, presidential election is not about, say, whether we should put more ethanol in jet fuel or whether we should even be able to control our own bodies. It is about whether we will have the ability to debate or vote on any of these issues ever again.

Although Trump is not clear on issues when evasiveness suits him. But Trump doesn’t have to deal with the issues, because that’s not what this election is about. It is about whether we will have a democracy when the smoke clears.

We as readers and voters need to know about the not-so-secret plans to fill government positions with people whose primary qualification is that they are loyal to Trump. We need to know what this country will look like on the first day of the dictatorship.
If former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is correct in stating that we are “sleepwalking” into a dictatorship — and I believe she is — the media are not safeguarding us with truth, but are instead acting more like a sedative.

From Larry Margo, Valley Village in Los Angeles, California

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