Maine Writer

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Donald Trump a loser in the Bronx and at the Libertarian convention

"...protestor told the news outlet, “He’s a crook, a liar, and a cheat. And he tries to make money off people."

Few Supporters and Several Protesters

Echo report published in OK! Former guy Donald Trump repeatedly praised himself over the (#FakeNews❗) crowd size of supporters who attended his (white people only😵) rally in the Bronx, N.Y., on Thursday, May 23, referring to it as an "outstanding turnout." 
However, a local New York evening news report from ABC7's Jim Dolan revealed a different story about how many people attended by exposing a live overhead view of the event.

The video shared on the local news showed a stark contrast to how Trump and more conservative networks like Fox News were presenting the crowd size. The report also showed that a good number of people at the rally were protesters.

Dolan first featured the comments of local Bronx residents who showed up to protest Trump. One resident called the presumptive GOP nominee a "big fat bigot" and claimed that "he just doesn’t have any love in his heart for anyone, anyone of color, anyone who’s in the LGBTQ+ community.”
A second protestor told the news outlet, “He’s a crook, a liar, and a cheat. And he tries to make money off people. And that’s what he’s doing right now.”

B-roll of the event shown to viewers during the local news report painted a remarkably different picture than what Trump boasted about during the rally.

Dolan then pivoted to the home states of the pro-Trump rallygoers in attendance, revealing that many of them were from "out of state."

"Go out there. Look at all of them," one protester told the outlet. "Call that a pocket check out of where they came from. Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Texas."

One pro-Trump rally-goer claimed he was from New York, but he was not from The Bronx, but rather from Queens.

“Donald Trump can now say he held a rally in the South Bronx, home to immigrants and minority communities, and that it was well attended,” Dolan explained, wrapping his report.

“It’s just not clear that the people who attended were from the Bronx. The campaign controlled who got in, and the 
campaign, of course, picked only supporters.”

Maine Writer.....And for the Trumpzi encore.....
‘No wannabe dictators!’: Donald Trump booed at Libertarian convention: Jeers ❗ suggest Republican presidential candidate Trumpzi faces a challenge in broadening his appeal. (Reported in The Guardian)
Never Trump❗
Donald Trump, the former US president, has suffered the rare humiliation of getting booed and heckled during a raucous speech to the Libertarian National Convention.

Trump’s rocky ride at a Washington hotel on Saturday night, including cries of “Bullshit!” and “Fuck you!”, underlined the challenge that the Republican presidential nominee faces to broaden his appeal both left and right on the political spectrum.

“The fact is we should not be fighting each other,” Trump pleaded. “If Joe Biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country. Combine with us in a partnership – we’re asking that of the libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You have to combine with us.”

The appeal went down like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults. It was a stunning rebuke for a man who has become accustomed to cult-like rallies where his every word is cheered to the echo.

The Libertarian party, which prioritises small government and individual freedoms, typically gains 3% or less of the national vote but its members could yet prove crucial in swing states this November. Trump’s clumsy attempt to court them resulted in him scolding them instead.

Taking the stage, he was confronted by Libertarians, who have their own factional disputes, shouting insults and decrying him for running up huge federal deficits and enriching pharmaceutical companies with the coronavirus vaccine development. A smaller core of diehard Trump supporters clad in “Make America great again” hats and T-shirts chanted “USA! USA!”. One person unfurled a Palestinian flag.

Amid this melee, Trump’s appeal to Libertarians to vote for him or join his campaign were repeatedly rebuffed. Referring to the four criminal indictments against him, he joked: “If I wasn’t a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now.”

The ex-president quoted an article written by political commentator Deroy Murdock arguing that Libertarians should vote for Trump. The crowd again erupted in boos and jeers.

Trump retorted: “Only if you want to win. Only if you want to win. Maybe you don’t want to win. Maybe you don’t want to win. Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.”

Trump went on to argue that Libertarians should make him their presidential nominee or at least vote for him in the election. Again there were boos and wails of derision. He went on: “The Libertarians want to vote for me and most of them will because we have to get rid of the worst president in history and together we will.”

The Republican promised that, if elected, he would put a Libertarian in his cabinet and others in senior posts. Again the crowd made clear its dissent. Ever the salesman, Trump prodded: “Pretty good. That’s pretty big.” But this 💥time the old tricks did not work💢❗

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