Maine Writer

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Speaker Mike Johnson is abdicating his oath to support to the Constitution. He puts Trump first!

Echo opinion letter published in the The Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper (Georgia):  House Speaker Mike Johnson should support judicial system, not Trump.
Speaker Mike Johnson is a Trumpti-Dumpti puppet

The specter of House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., appearing at the Trump trial in New York to support the former president and disparage the court system was deplorable. 

This "Bible thumping" man is second in line to the U.S. presidency and should support the American judicial system and the rule of law, not call the proceedings 😡 “corrupt” and a “ridiculous prosecution.”

There has been no credible criticism of the trial from reputable authorities; on the contrary, there is widespread belief that the trial has been conducted in a fair and competent manner by the presiding judge.

Speaker Mike Johnson is misplacing his fealty to Donald Trump rather than to his responsibility under the oath he took to support the American Consitution.

After Johnson had recently worked with Democrats to pass several bills of national importance, it gave me some hope that the speaker showed some signs of bipartisan leadership. But when he felt compelled to display his fealty (sworn loyalty❗) to the former guy Trump, in such an obsequious (i.e., excessive obiedience❗) manner, I realized that for him, it is politics above the Constitution. 

From Larry J. Pett, in Atlanta, GeorgiaLARRY J. PETT, ATLANTA

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