Maine Writer

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Justica Samuel Alito must recuse himself from any cases relating to the January 6 insurrection

Echo opinion letter published in the Herald Times Reporter, a Wisconsin based newspaper:  

Supreme Court must uphold laws and show respect for our flag

Justice Samuel Alito is a highly conservative voice on the Supreme Court, and often noted for his adherence to the originalist principles (although the "originalists" wrote the document in 1787❗) of our founding fathers. At least that is what the Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts would like us to believe.

Beyond the courtroom, Alito’s personal life is intertwined through his marriage to Martha-Ann Alito. Martha-Ann, a former attorney herself, has been described as Justice Alito’s closest confidante. However, she is an activist with her own personal agenda, which includes the false narrative of “Stop the Steal.”

The New York Times has reported that our American flag was displayed upside down in the Alito front yard of their home in West Coldwell, New Jersey. This occurred in the weeks after the insurrectionist crimes were committed in Washington, D.C.

This in-your-face Trump-style hypocrisy has no shame.

Remember the Trump-nominated members of the Court who misled the public during their confirmation hearings about Roe v. Wade? Those justices were deliberately deceptive. Alito is trying to dismiss this disrespect for our American flag by blaming it on “neighbor squabbles.”

Chief Justice John Roberts must remove Alito from all cases that relate to the January 6 insurrection and upcoming elections. We, as citizens, must demand that the Court uphold our laws and show respect of our flag. If not, our democracy is truly at stake.

From Barbara Welnetz in Manitowoc, Wisconsin

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