Maine Writer

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Senator John Cornyn criticized by Texas constituents because he does not support gun safety policies

We're begging you, Sen. Cornyn. Please just make buying guns harder. Echo Opinion letter published in the Houston Chronicle:

Right side of the gun debate: Regarding "Big Bad John Cornyn turns gun-shy as Biden closes the gun show loophole | Editorial," (May 14, 2024): 

Senator John Cornyn should be ashamed by the fact that gun violence is the number one killer of kids and teens in America

As the parent of an elementary schooler, I fully support closing the gun show loophole, which has allowed individuals who sell guns via mail order, flea markets or gun shows to sell without first conducting a background check.

That loophole could allow felons, juveniles and the mentally unstable ready access to these weapons. The Biden administration’s action does nothing to impact individuals who are legally authorized to carry guns. They are still free to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Two years ago, soon after the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, I attended the protest against the National Rifle Association convention. The sign that stood out to me said, “Please, just make it harder.” We are begging you Senator Cornyn. Please just make it harder❓
From Laura Kennedy, in Houston Texas

Why is Cornyn going back on the best thing he’s ever done for my family (passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act)❓ Keeping the loophole in place means keeping convicted criminals' ability to access firearms, no questions asked. Why would any sane person support this❓ Why is Cornyn so willing to go out on a limb for criminals and so unwilling to do more to protect innocent kids❓

Senator Cornyn opposes the policy of universal background checks to include internet and gun show sales. A McCourtney Institute for Democracy’s latest Mood of the Nation Poll shows that 86% of Americans, and a majority of Republicans, support this policy. So who opposes it, besides Cornyn and a few other like-minded elected officials? The NRA, that’s who. Their mantra must be "any weapon, to any person, at any time." Oh, and let me say that I am a gun owner.

I would like to ask the senator one question: Why should someone who cannot walk into a brick-and-mortar gun store and purchase a weapon due to an inability to pass a background check be able to purchase weapons freely at a gun show or on the internet? It is a simple and seemingly logical question. Virtually every American believes that there are people in this country who should not be able to own guns — convicted violent criminals, people who are mentally ill, so on.

President Barack Obama issued an executive order that basically said if you are collecting federal disability payments and your disability is mental illness, you will not be able to pass a background check to purchase weapons. Former guy Donald Trump signed into law a bill passed by the Republican majority to reverse that policy. Any weapon, to any person, at any time.

When will Republicans get on the right side of gun laws and put people ahead of special interests? We are not talking about banning Americans from gun ownership here, just some sensible and popular policies.

From Rob Hellyer, in Houston Texas

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