Maine Writer

Its about people and issues I care about.

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Listen up idolotrous Republicans! Donald Trump is not Jesus

To the editor: What has Donald Trump ever done to suggest that he is in any way aligned with Jesus? Echo opinion letter published in the Los Angeles Times:
Comparing Trump to Jesus. This is the definition of idolatry.
Trump is not our Savior💢❗
It is one thing to say that King David was also imperfect, but to be totally flawed and proud of it does not reflect Christ. (“Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president’s backers say he shares faith, values,” May 20) 
Obviously the MAGA cult believe in the Word according to Donald Trump. Oh-My-Godâť—
Rather, it is becoming an ever more glaring reality that what passes itself off as “conservative Christianity” is not remotely Christian at its core.

What did Jesus ever say to justify the forceful suppression of other beliefs? What did he say that justifies the denial of urgently needed medical care to women? Did he actually tell his followers that the Samaritan was good because he didn’t stop to offer help?

This is the Catholicism of the Spanish Inquisition or the murderous insecurity of Iran’s Islamic theocracy. When people insist that their security requires that anyone who is not on their team be subject to their every whim, I see it as the furthest thing from Christ.

The Golden Rule is not limited in application to one’s own culture, race, gender or any other group.  

(Maine Writer- In the minds of the Christian Nationalists, the worship of Donald Trump is the false idol equivilent of idolotry.)

From Jack Quirk, Porter Ranch, Los Angeles, California

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