Maine Writer

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Donald Trump is still dealing with the horrible Access Hollywood Tape

Echo opinion letter published in the Citrus County Chronicle, a Crysal River Florida newspaper:
The criminal trial of ex-President Donald Trump says a lot more about his character than his criminal activity. Trump has a low opinion of women, as referenced in the "Access Hollywood tape," and his affair with a porn star while married to Melania. 

According to a new report, Melania remains "angry" at her husband over the alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels. The former first lady "wants to ignore" the whole thing and "hopes it will pass," but "doesn’t sympathize with Donald’s plight." Not only that, but the former FLOTUS really wouldn’t be put out if her spouse did time behind bars.
Even if Trump is not convicted of campaign finance law violations and cooking the books, he's broken the law 10 times by attacking jurors, judges, and witnesses. Trump knowingly breaks the law, and people are taking notice. It looks like the other criminal cases will be postponed until after the election, with Trump-appointed judge Eileen Cannon blocking or delaying obvious procedural issues. And Trump's Supreme Court is kicking the can down the road on absolute immunity.

The Georgia case is delayed because of a love affair that has nothing to do with the criminal liability of those who were indicted, two pleading guilty. Delay, delay, delay. 😳😠Americans want the truth on these serious matters that affect national security and whether coups are the "new normal" if you don't like the election results. Putting a man in office who can't even obey a judge's gag order 10 times and thinks he's above the law has to be a serious consideration.
Trust is important, ❗and Mr. Trump has a problem with the truth. 

Do you want to be lied to for the next four years? Is that fine with you? With all the crazy things happening around the world, this is terrifying. Trump said he's not going to accept the results of the 2024, election unless he wins, and a bloodbath if he doesn't. We should all bleach our eyes if this turns out to be true. This is not just an election for president; it's about whether we want to live in a democracy or not.

From Ben Benassi, in Inverness, Florida

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