Maine Writer

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Donald Trump wants revenge and retribution! He is not qualified to run for any political office

 Trump is a clear, present dangeršŸ’„

To the Editor, Daily Press: Is Donald Trump a ā€œgood personā€ā“šŸ˜–His track record suggests otherwise. Heā€™s repeatedly cheated on his wives, faced allegations of sexual assault and rape, and incited a mob to try to overthrow an election. 

Trump openly praised white supremacists and resorts to name-calling like a sixth-grade bully. His decisions have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans during COVID, endangered national security by revealing secrets, and added trillions to the national debt. Heā€™s actively obstructed the return of presidential records to the government and threatens revenge and retribution, if reelected.

By any reasonable standard, being a ā€œgood personā€ should be a fundamental quality for a president. Donald Trump does not meet this standard. In fact, his actions and behavior make him a clear and present danger to the United States.

Robert Hails Tahlequah, Oklahoma

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