Maine Writer

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

"There he goes again!" Donald Trump is determined to destroy democratic election integrity

Echo opinion letter to the Editor published in the Los Angeles Times: When Trump vacillates on accepting election results, he’s saying he’ll end democracy.

Jackie Calmes wrote: Republicans! Here they go again! (Ronald Reagan redux) Six months before election day, for the third straight presidential contest, Donald Trump and his Republican lickspittles are sounding alarms about virtually nonexistent voting fraud, laying the groundwork to claim that he wuz robbed should he lose to President Biden.

Dear Editor:  Columnist Jackie Calmes is right to worry over the vacillation expressed by former President Trump and his vice presidential hopefuls over (#fakenews❗) election results. (“Our elections have integrity. These politicians do not,” Opinion, May 12)

Let’s all understand something: The question, “If you do not win, will you accept election results?” is the same as, “Do you accept the American system of democratic representation established by the Constitution?”

The answer has to be an unqualified yes😲❗

The dodgy answer we get from Trump and (the cult) Co. is their way of saying, “I support the overthrow of the American system of representative government.”
So for voters, the question this fall will be, “Do you want this country to continue the American experiment in democracy, or shall we call it quits?”

Election day choices don’t get much more basic than this.

From William Yarchin, in Huntington Beach, California

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