Maine Writer

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Donald Trump's failed oath of office but is dangerous and wants to try again

(By the way- Stormy Daniels unfavorably compares Trump to ‘real men’ after hush-money trial testimony!)

This echo essay was published in the Storm Lake Times-Pilot newspaper, in Iowa. 

The Donald Trump's fake oath of office:.....Because some voters will believe anything I tell them, no questions asked, I, Donald Trump…

  • …promised voters “Mexico will pay for” my wall. (But you did — and swallowed all my promises hook-line-sinker.)
  • …told voters I’d “completed” that wall. (I didn’t — not even close. Most of our 1,900-mile border is still unwalled.)
  • …insisted I’d release my taxes. (I then did all I could to keep them hidden. Ah, the old “Bait ‘n’ Switch.” Classic!)
  • …told voters early Covid was “totally under control” on my watch. (It wasn’t. It soon killed over 1,000,000 of us).
  • …claimed crime was at “record” levels with Obama. (It wasn’t — but falsely smearing Obama boosted my image).
  • …promised voters I wouldn’t “have time to play golf” in office. (I found time to golf — lots and lots and lots of golf).
  • …accused mail-in voting of being rife with “fraud.” (But it isn’t. In fact, I’ve voted by mail myself, more than once).
  • trashed Hillary Clinton, Biden and others for sloppy secrets-handling. (But I freely took box after box to Florida).
  • …attacked the very idea of “defund the police.” (But then I urged my party to “defund” the FBI and even the DOJ).
  • …vowed to staff my team with “only the best people.” (But I didn’t. I prefer the corrupt and the easily corruptible)
  • ...claimed my poll numbers topped Lincoln’s. (So scientific, tech-driven polling didn’t exist then. Details, details).
  • …promised to “drain the swamp.” (Instead, I just restocked D.C. with my own dishonest, cagey swamp-cronies).
  • …said I didn’t know about a Stormy Daniels payout. (But I did. I even signed a check reimbursing my lawyer for it).
  • …decried “fake news.” (But by “fake,” I mean “uncomplimentary.” I love “fake news” if it’s a pro-Trump rave).
  • …blasted judges for “bias.” (But by “biased,” I mean “free-thinking.” I admire any judge with a pro-Trump agenda).
  • …scared ailing voters into thinking Biden would end pre-existing illness protection. (It wasn’t true – but so what?)
  • …claimed January 6 rioters were “hugging and kissing” Capitol police. (“Shoot him with his own gun!” = words of love).
  • …boasted I’d brought crisis/death numbers from opioids “way down.” (Actually, they were up. Again — so what?)
  • …labeled people who “Take the Fifth” as crooked. (But I’ve used it myself — again and again and again and again).
  • …said too much vote-handling time enables “cheating.” (But if it’ll enable me, drag out those recounts for months).
  • …bashed Biden relatives for “cashing in” on influence. (But Jared’s Saudi deal, Ivanka’s China trademarks? Fine).
  • …denounced opportunists who profit off the “Trump” name. (But I’ll use a Bible as a “prop” in a staged photo-op).
  • …accused Dems of “phony” tales of refugee despair. (But I “play-act” hugs/kisses on a U.S. flag for a P.R. stunt).
  • …said a Capitol door-crasher was shot “for no reason.” (Now, if she’d crawled through my door, to harm me…)
  • claimed Jan. 6 rioters were “hugging and kissing” Capitol police. (“Shoot him with his own gun!” = words of love).
  • …treated “Lock her up!”/“Lock ‘em up! as good fun. (But “lock Trump up?” No, my crimes must go unpunished).
  • …bragged that I have “much more” money “than I’ll ever need.” (Yet, I chase nonstop donations from the gullible poor).
  • …assured roughnecks I’d “pay the legal fees.” (But I won’t. In fact, I want them to give me money to pay for mine).
  • …said I’d pivot and “become so presidential” you’d be amazed. (I never pivoted. I just behaved worse than ever).
And that’s just some of the deceptive and disingenuous promises, claims and boasts Donald Trump has made in recent years. How many more deliberate falsehoods could we add here? Dozens? Scores? Hundreds? Even if “evangelical” voters can somehow overlook all of Trump’s mean-spirited insults and name-calling, should they be actively supporting this level of insincerity and deceit? Would they ever tolerate this much blatant dishonesty in any other politician?
Trump never criticized the "hang Mike Pence" chant
  • I swore an oath to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution…(…but then proposed we “terminate” that Constitution to declare me President)!
  • I repeatedly promised I’d “rebuild the infrastructure of our country”…(but Infrastructure Week always fizzled. I just left it all to Biden to tackle)!
  • I decried befriending the white supremacists who hang on my every word…(but then alerted them to “stand back and stand by” until further instructions!)
…and so on… and so on… and so on… and so on…

“Religious” voters argue that backing this man can somehow “save the soul” of America. But is his spiteful fury bringing out the best in us — or just making us angrier, crueler, harsher, meaner? Can we trust the promises he makes, the claims he asserts, the “wins” he takes credit for — or is he just pushing falsehood and rage and grievance? “Evangelicals” say none of that matters. But shouldn’t it?

From Brad Trom in Blooming Prairie, Minnesota 

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