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Saturday, July 09, 2016

Congressman Trey Gowdy overreached his Congressional authority

Where are the millions of email messages deleted by President George W. Bush?

Congressman Trey Gowdy overreached his capacity as a prosecuter. He's clearly on a vengeful mission to discredit Secretary Hillary Clinton, but he will accomplish nothing but waste millions of dollars on his bogus investigations. He may also be guilty of hosting a private email server, makes sense, because he's clearly obsessed with his own self image. Even without evidence, Gowdy is driven by ambition against the only qualfiied candidate to run for president in 2016.  Hillary Clinton is not guilty of any crime, FBI Director Comey said so.

Obviously, Congressman Trey Gowdy was too ambitious for his own good. He wasted millions of tax dollars on a bogus Congressonal investigation to advance his own career and now he may be experiencing the ultimate mother's warning. "What goes around comes around". Now, there's a question about whether or not he misused email! Imagine that!

Republicans are obsessed with wasting money. Although Social Security beneficiars will not receive cost of living increases for the second year in a row, Republicans continue to throw money at bogus investigations to intimidate Secretary Clinton.

Nothing — no information, no committee, not even an FBI investigation seems to be enough to convince Republicans that the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is innocent of any crimes. After using $7M of America’s hard-earned tax dollars to find no wrong-doing by Clinton in the Benghazi attacks, the GOP is now just as relentless in trying to find a prosecutable crime for the way Clinton handled her emails while she was Secretary of State. Though, former President George W. Bush reportedly deleted millions of emails, Republicans remain quiet to this day about that. So we clearly have a right wing double standard going on and it’s time to change the rules of the game. It’s time to call out Republicans for the same “criminal” offenses for which they claim Clinton is guilty.

David Brock with Correct The Record previously issued an open letter to GOP headhunter Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). 

Yet, that’s the same Trey Gowdy who spent two years and most of that $7M trying to unsuccessfully pin Clinton for Benghazi crimes. Turns out Gowdy, who is also spear-heading the Clinton email allegations, has some email issues of his own. Back in 2015, Zaid Jilani with AlterNet reported:

Dear Chairman Gowdy:

I noted with interest your public demand that Secretary Clinton turn over her personal email server, presumably so that the committee can access some 30,000 Clinton emails deemed to be strictly private and beyond the reach of the government.

This Orwellian demand has no basis in law or precedent. Every government employee decides for themselves what email is work-related and what is strictly private. There is no reason to hold Secretary Clinton to a different standard— except partisan politics.

But since you insist that Clinton’s private email be accessed, I’m writing today to ask you and your staff to abide by the same standard you seek to hold the Secretary to by releasing your own work-related and private email and that of your staff to the public.

While I realize that Congress regularly exempts itself from laws that apply to the executive branch, I believe this action is necessary to ensure public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of your investigation.

Thank you for your consideration.


David Brock Correct The Record

...It's important to note that Gowdy maintains his own domain For example, one campaign contact email he used was While it's not unusual to maintain such a thing particularly for campaign work, it's not clear that Gowdy utilizes this email solely for political campaign work and not congressional tasks. AlterNet asked Gowdy's office through both a telephone inquiry followed up by an email communication to his press secretary about how he segregates work he conducts through his personal domain vs congressional work. We also inquired about where his personal email server is stored and how it is secured. We also attempted to contact Gowdy campaign manager George Ramsey, but he did not return our phone calls. 

In 48 hours, the deadline we set, we received no response.

AlterNet, Occupy Democrats, David Brock and a plethora of “inquiring minds” await your answer, Trey. 

Clearly, Trey Gowdy needs a reality check. 
He is just a Congressman. 

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