Maine Writer

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Senator "Ted" Cruz is wrong to continue his campaign while citizenship questions loom

Image result for Born in the USA Cruz photo

Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is an American politician who is the junior U.S. Senator from Texas. He is a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election. Wikipedia He was born in Calgary, Canada in 1970.
(My goodness, even "Ted" isn't his real name!!!)
Any candidate who's sincerely patriotic about being elected the leader of the free world would've had the question of citizenship settled before running for president.  Not so with "Senator Ted Cruz to loose" the Senator from Texas who says he's the person voters should elect to be president. Yet, "Cruz to loose" has not completely resolved his eligibility as a "natural born citizen" as required in the US Constitution. Frankly, my opinion is that the place where "Cruz to loose" was born, as in "Canada" has little to do with his elibibility to be president. His problem is really credibility.  In fact, "Cruz to loose" challenged President Obama's elibility to be president of the US, because the "certificate of live birth" issued in Hawaii where Barack Obama was born was not considered proof of citizenship. 

"Cruz to loose" is an egotistical right wing politican. Regardless of how many hypocritcal situations he finds himself embroiled in, his response is to blame others (especially the media) rather than find a solution. He uses an entrenched fundamentalist, conservative base of followers to create political myths, like "birtherism"- claiming President Obama was not born in the US. 

For some unexplainable reason, the Cruz talent is his skill to create truths from myths and he's able to attract "political lemmings" from among the zealots who believe him.

The National Journal reports: 
by S.V. Dáte
Is Ted Cruz American Enough?

Out of all the people who hope to be­come pres­id­ent, only one would find it a com­plete waste of time to cam­paign in his ho­met­own. 

Ted Cruz’s Cal­gary, after all, is in the Canadian province of Al­berta, which of­fers pre­cisely zero elect­or­al votes in a U.S. pres­id­en­tial elec­tion.

Former New Hamp­shire Re­pub­lic­an Party Chair­man Fer­gus Cul­len ac­know­ledges the irony: A party with a siz­able fac­tion that still ques­tions the le­git­im­acy of someone who ac­tu­ally was born in the United States now fea­tures among its best-fin­anced can­did­ates a man who, un­ques­tion­ably, was not.
“I doubt that even 20 or 30 per­cent of primary voters are aware of that,” he said and then joked: “Clearly, Don­ald Trump needs to launch an in­vest­ig­a­tion on this is­sue. He’d be the per­fect per­son to do this.”
As it turns out, Trump — who four years ago vowed to get to the bot­tom of Pres­id­ent Obama’s birth cer­ti­fic­ate and now is a can­did­ate him­self — is already on the case.
He was born in Canada,” Trump told a New York TV sta­tionwhen Cruz entered the race in March. “If you know and when we all stud­ied our his­tory les­sons, you are sup­posed to be born in this coun­try, so I just don’t know how the courts would rule on it. But it’s an ad­di­tion­al hurdle that he has, that no one else seems to have.”
(More re­cently, with Cruz one of the few Re­pub­lic­an can­did­ates pub­licly de­fend­ing Trump’s ef­forts to make il­leg­al im­mig­ra­tion a top is­sue, Trump’s cam­paign told Na­tion­al Journ­al that Trump is “not an elec­tions law” ex­pert and would not com­ment on Cruz.)
Cruz ex­plains that be­cause his moth­er was an Amer­ic­an cit­izen when he was born, that sat­is­fies the con­sti­tu­tion­al re­quire­ment that a pres­id­ent be a “nat­ur­al born cit­izen.” On the day he an­nounced his run, he told Fox News’ Sean Han­nity: “As a leg­al mat­ter, the is­sue is quite straight­for­ward, that if you or I travel abroad and we have a child that’s born abroad, and we’re Amer­ic­an cit­izens, that child is a nat­ur­al born cit­izen.”
But what Su­preme Court or fed­er­al-ap­peals court rul­ing can Cruz cite to back that up? Ac­tu­ally, none. There isn’t any, which is why, al­though Cruz has so far not faced any leg­al chal­lenges since he entered the race, one lead­ing ex­pert says that is cer­tain to change.

From Maine Writer- it seems like patriotic common sense to expect our candidates, who run for public office, especially for President of the USA, to be crystal clear about their qualfiications to run for the office they seek. Shame on Senator "Cruz to loose" for not resolving this issue before declaring his intention to run for President.  

Regardless of the Cruz "natural born citizen" issue, the fact that he didn't bother to resolve this citizenship issue, especially after he made such a ridiculous brouhaha about "birtherism", makes him unqualified to be Preisdent.

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