Maine Writer

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Newt Gingrich Endorsement is Second Strike in Ryan Roll Out- Iowa State Fair is Third

You must know you're in trouble when the first national endorsement for Ryan's pick as Romney's Vice-Presidential candidate comes from Newt Gingrich.

But there was another clue. 

On May 3rd 2012, The Weekly Standard reported on Congressman Paul Ryan's Kenosha, Wis. town hall meeting where about 20 constituents expresses snickers and jeers during his budget cutting presentation. 

Obviously, Mitt Romney's vetting staff didn't read this particular article.  If someone had read it, the campaign would have thought twice about sending Ryan, solo, to the Iowa State Fair, where he was also heckled. Iowa's popular state fair was a poor entrance place for Ryan to begin his national tour. His stand up solo was scheduled immediately after the "foiled by mis-steps" roll out of his pick as Romney's vice-presidential running mate, the announcement made on a Saturday, at a staged for TV venue, in government rich Norfolk, Virginia.

So, Ryan's first week on the job as a vice-presidential candidate hasn't gone well and the harbinger for this rough take off began with the Newt Gingrich endorsement.

“[Ryan] has grown into one of the great intellectual leaders in this country, his work on the budget is extraordinary. It is a real decision by Gov. Romney..." (Gingrich)

Read more:

Certainly, we can't disagree about the second sentence. Indeed, the Ryan choice for his running mate is a "real" decision by Romney, but it's a bad choice.

Ryan is an anti-intellectual.  He's a concrete thinker who made a name for himself by putting his by-line on a report called the Ryan Budget.  His plan is to destroy progressives who have supported sensible public policies whereby our Capitalist economic system shares the wealth through taxation with the middle class.  His regressive policies have turned on the middle class, those of us who pay his Congressional salary.

Ryan's endorsement by Newt Gingrich is hypocritical cronyism. The two men are a mutual admiration society.

But where's the Ryan endorsement by real GOP leaders like Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin or even Dick Cheney?

Mitt Romney calls Paul Ryan a "great leader", but only if we believe in leadership that disenfranchises the middle class.

Strategically, Newt Gingrich is not the first person who should have endorsed Ryan's candidacy.  Frankly, the first media endorsement, should have come from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Ryan needs to "charm" hard to become a campaign "darling", as some past VP candidates have managed to endear the public, like Al Gore or Ed Musky in campaign's past.

Although Democrats, like me, smile about the foiled Ryan roll-out, ground down by the Gingrich endorsement, the danger of a right-wing Romney-Ryan administration is, nevertheless, frighteningly real.  Americans must understand the risks of giving the Romney-Ryan political team control over our government.

Romney-Ryan's election team wanted to hit a home run with the VP roll out announcement. Instead, it's three strikes for the batter- a foiled roll out event, the Gingrich endorsement and the Iowa State Fair heckling. But, before we think the team is on their way out, we know it's only the first inning.



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