Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Donald Trump's horrible behavior at Arlington National Cemetery causes veterans wrenching pain

Trump’s thumbs-up photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery was a disgrace- Echo opinion letter published in the Los Angeles Times:

Dear Editor: As a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, I have felt the wrenching pain of loss from war. 

Always remember the precious dead and those wounded in body and spirit. (“Arlington cemetery official ‘abruptly pushed aside’ in Trump staff altercation won’t press charges,” Aug. 29)

Service to our nation is a noble cause that was cheapened and devalued by a leader who heartlessly spoke of losers and suckers rather than acknowledge the sacrifice in service of so many in our military.

That leader stooped even lower with his campaign photo-op that desecrated Arlington National Cemetery. In addition to being a specifically forbidden act, former guy Trump made it worse by grinning and (disgusting❗) giving a thumbs-up sign at the grave of a fallen Marine.

I can no longer accept that disgraceful behavior as Trump being Trump. It is disgusting for anybody to trivialize the sacrifices made by fallen service members — it is doubly so for a politician.

George N. Giacoppe, in Riverside California

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