Maine Writer

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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Donald Trump violated for political purposes the sacred ground in Arlington Section 60

Trump visit to Arlington Cemetery sparks alleged altercation”:
Opinion letter published in The Washington Post (Democracy Dies in Darkness)....

Dear Editor - Every Memorial Day, I make a point of visiting Arlington National Cemetery, where eight of my fellow Iraq War veteran friends rest — eight Americans who gave their lives for our country. Each of them is a hero, and one even earned the Medal of Honor, making the ultimate sacrifice to save others.
Iraq campaign medal ribbon
Service in Iraq during the Iraq War (from 19 March 2003 to 31 December 2011)

Like so many veterans from my generation, I bear the scars of service. Post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor’s guilt are constant companions, but I live each day to honor the sacrifice of my friends, my heroes, whether I knew them personally or not. Section 60 is sacred to me. It is where my generation of American heroes have found an honored place of rest. I go there to pay my respects, and I am appalled that anyone could walk these grounds with any other intention.

Donald Trump recently used Section 60 and Arlington National Cemetery as a backdrop for a campaign ad. He and his staff shamelessly walked these hallowed grounds, bone spurs 🦴and all, in pursuit of something for themselves. 
Iraq campaign medal
Reports even suggest that they assaulted an employee whose job is to preserve the dignity and sanctuary of this space. I cannot stand by and watch this happen. I will oppose such disrespect with every breath I have left.

If any other figure were to commit this irreverant travesity, Trump’s actions toward the men and women who have served this country would be an automatic disqualifier from public service. 

Yet (unbelievably❗)  once again,😠 we see a man who behaves as though he is above the very norms and values that define the United States — the same values which the men and women at Arlington made the ultimate sacrifice to protect.

From Will Attig, in Arlington, Virginia, 
executive director of the AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council and served with the 1-26th Infantry of the U.S. Army.

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