Maine Writer

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Republicans cannot accept the fact that paying hush money to a porn actress is NOT a legal expense

Echo opinion letter published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Paying hush money is not a legal expense
It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts against him in his hush money trial. Maureen Dowd with The New York Times summed up the case against Trump in one simple sentence. She wrote, "You don't slime your way into the presidency by having your creepy gofer pay off a porn star you slept with while your wife was home with a newborn and call it a legal expense."
At one and the same time, Gov. Sarah Sanders and our entire congressional delegation piously claim to represent "Arkansas values" while shamelessly defending and supporting the immoral and mendacious Trump. Their photograph ought to be placed in the dictionary next to the word "hypocrite."

From Eugene Bramblett in Camden Arkansas

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