Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Donald Trump spreading dangerous lies about America! Our veterans are heroes! Trump is fascist

What will happen to us❗ ❓Echo opinion letter to the edtior published in the Union Bulletin, a newspaper published in Walla Walla Washington. 

Dear editor:  I'm old and tired. I'm not as sharp as I use to be. But at age 78, I can still recognize when I'm being lied to.
Donald Trump calls heroes "suckers and losers."

I love our country and often think about all the women and men who have fought and died to save our democracy. Those brave souls who paid with their lives, the ones Donald Trump calls "suckers and losers." What I'm witnessing today is a large portion of the electorate which is willing to sacrifice our country to a snake oil salesman — a man who pretends to be a Christian but owns not one Christlike quality.
Trumpzi is a "snake oil" salesman!

It stands to reason that our founding fathers anticipated that this nation would, at the least, elect people who honored the laws of the land. They never anticipated the degenerate elected in 2016. During this year's primaries, only the state of Vermont had the courage to favor a decent human being.

Here is the truth: A vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. How did we get here?! I simply can't conceive of it.  I know I won't change anyone's mind. I just wonder what happened to us.

From Gerry Steinauer in Walla Walla Washington

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