Maine Writer

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Monday, October 28, 2019

Donald Trump is casting a bleak shadow over all Republicans

Donald Trump's irresponsible behavior must be checked!

Echo opinion letter published in the Idaho Statesman 

Donald Trmp disregard for America's values and allies

For quite some time, many of us have been disappointed and dismayed by Donald Trump's actions and blatant disregard for our American values, not the least of which is his total lack of any kind of integrity. But until just recently, the Republican congressional members have contrived some reason to support his “unpresidential” behaviors while he runs roughshod over our institutions, our position as a leader of nations, our credibility, etc. Apparently, the brash decision to order the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Syria was a “bridge too far.” 

This particular decision has done great damage to our future military operations in terms of troop morale, confidence of our allies and the list goes on. The House has passed a bipartisan condemnation of this action, and the Senate is saying they want to pass another similar declaration.

If we are truly concerned about someday, somehow rebuilding our international reputation and the confidence of our troops in their leadership, we have a way to show the world we have the fortitude and conviction to admit we made a huge mistake and rectify it. Imagine what the world would think about our democracy if we removed this president from office.

From Jay Combs, Eagle Idaho

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