Maine Writer

Its about people and issues I care about.

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Republicans breaking their own Congressional rules

Two echo opinion letters published in the Minnesota Star Tribune newspaper.

Maine Writer- It was Republican Speaker John Boehner who signed the hearing rules to which the stupid Republicans staged an illegal demonstration while creating a sloppy white men show to object to the legal Congressional impeachment hearings. 

In fact, Judge Andrew Napolitano, on Fox and Friends, blamed Boehner, 2015, Republicans for House rules allowing closed-door impeachment proceedings. John Boehner enacted the rules  It was a Republican majority,” Napolitano explained.
Dear Editor:

Republican concern about due process with the confidential impeachment House meetings is misplaced. There will come a time when public airing will be needed. Now is not that time. But due process concerns should extend to the White House, too.

The White House has refused to disclose e-mails and other relevant documents and things that likely relate to Ukraine. In the laws of evidence, there is a doctrine providing that a party in exclusive possession of evidence who fails to produce it is subject to adverse inferences from the failure. We can make those adverse inferences, but wouldn’t it be better to have the documents and things that vindicate transparency and due process? What is the White House trying to hide? Where were those Republicans with respect to that obstruction of due process?

From Thomas W. Wexler, Edina Minnesota
Dear Editor encore:
Here we go again. The intrepid Republican representatives crashing a constitutional congressional inquiry into the possible impeachable offenses of the president is an eerie and painful reminder of another chaotic incident when well-dressed (white men*) Republicans created a disorderly demonstration during the vote recount in Brown County, Fla., in the presidential election of George Bush vs. Al Gore.

For the party that claims to be the law-and-order gang, it is remarkable how easy it is for its members to abandon civility and social order for the sake of expediency and cover-up. These two historical events are anything but coincidental. They are pathological tendencies of a damaged political party and its need to exercise dominance in America. It is dangerously difficult for them to make a full and necessary transition to a new kind of voter majority — women and minorities.

As a nation, we must reject this sort of anarchy. 

From Richard G. Hunegs, in St. Louis Park Minnesota

*MaineWriter- I simply can't imagine the volume of outrage Americans would have heard if the group that had illegally stormed a legal Congressional hearing had been, instead, the Black Caucus!  

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