Maine Writer

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Vote, impeach, convict - Trumpziism must be defeated!

Cluster echo opinion letters published in the Dallas Morning NewsCalling for Country over Trumpziism!

Imprison, don't impeach

Impeachment for behavior that made him president is a ridiculous strategy when the real problem is a greedy Republican cohorts who view taxes as an infringement on their God-given inheritance and equal heath care as a socialist subsidy for the underprivileged and unfortunate. Despots who ban Muslims while pandering religious freedom can always rally their contradiction Christian base — those who preach riches, rifles and racism (did Christ prize money or weapons, or put children in cages?) while ignoring consort with prostitutes and 16 sexual assault claims.
The real crimes lie in ignoring our oil-choked planet and brain-washing blue-collar outsourcing victims to view knowledge as elite rather than the wealth-care indolent who devastate their unions and hype their $8 per hour jobs.

Imprison, don't impeach, but only after we give Americans another chance to vote for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness rather than a trust-fund tyrant who extols white supremacists as "good people."

Golder Wilson, Dallas Texas

Federal prison in Beaumont Texas
(I hope federal prison officials are clearing enough cells to hold all Trumpzi criminals)
Country over Party! Stand up for institutions
The core strength of our country is our political institutions and the Constitution. Coequal branches of government with checks and balances have been tested and are now again.

Now Congress has begun a political process, impeachment, which is historical and based firmly upon the principals of checks and balances. In order to fulfill their duty, Congress will investigate and adjudicate if the president used his power to advance his political campaign ahead of the security of an ally against Russian aggression.

Precedence holds that investigations be unhindered, and opposition to that is called obstruction.

Disregarding the oath to our Constitution is a crime, and unless Republicans stand up for those institutions, our strength will be destroyed and that crime will be unpunished.

The time has come for Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz to choose their country over the president's self-interest.

From David Faidley, Plano

Wrongly loyal to Trump, not country

The possible impeachment of Donald Trump is the tragic result of having a president who has no regard for the Constitution and the Democratic process. I am saddened but not surprised by the total Trump support by the Republican members of Congress, as well as almost all members of the right wing GOP party.

The GOP of Presidents George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower no longer exists. In its place, they have created a cult of personality calling itself Republican. Driven by the white evangelical base, the former party now has devotion only to their leader, who, in their eyes, can do no wrong.

It is no wonder that they respond with anger, ridicule and condemnation to the possibility that the process may reveal the truth about the man to whom they have given their complete loyalty. To accept, without hesitation, the Trump attempts to have a foreign power help his re-election effort shows the complete absence of loyalty to our nation, our heritage and our laws by his supporters. I fear for the future of our republic.

Cecil Larry Pool, Midlothian

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