Maine Writer

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Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Donald Trump and unpopular Twitter storms

"Corker (Senator Bob Corker) calls White House ‘an adult day care center’ in response to Trump’s latest Twitter tirade"

Although the above headline, published in The Washington Post, was printed on October 8, 2017, it might just as well have been re-printed as equally relevant on January 3, 2018.  

Nothing has changed since Corker's brutally honest assessment about Donald Trump's bizarre behavior.

Somehow, Donald Trump was unsupervised (where was his supervisor, General John Kelly?) for a period of time overnight, into January 3, 2018. As result, Trump unleashed 17 Tweets, not one of them related to improving the human condition.

In fact, the Tweeter storm included a litany of childish, moronic and incendiary messages. They revealed, yet again, that Donald Trump is unqualified to be the leader of the United States. 

Moreover, he's a danger to himself and others.

In October, Senator Corker (R-Tenn.) tweeted, “It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.” I suggest that Senator Corker "retweet" his message with tag @Washington Post.

Donald Trump's latest tirade even included a taunt about nuclear war with North Korea's equally unstable leader Kim Jong Un.  

It's beyond belief that a world leader would create such fear by writing incendiary messages on Twitter. Donald Trump must stop this behavior, because he is not making America great by continuing to look so stupid in the eyes of the world. Compounding this idiotic behavior, are the people who are following Trump like he is their pagan idol. They will all be brought down by their failure to stand up to him.  

Trump Says His ‘Nuclear Button’ Is ‘Much Bigger’ Than North Korea’s

These chaotic and dangerous Twitter headlines proves how nothing about Donald Trump is rational and Republicans must stop trying to pretend otherwise.

One unifying fact about Donald Trump is that everybody disapproves of his unpopular Tweeting, especially when he uses the messages to incite danger. Maybe, the US needs a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit our Presidents from using Twitter.  

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