Maine Writer

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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Horror of the unspeakable - big nuclear buttons

Donald Trump says his ‘Nuclear Button’ is bigger than Kim Jong Un’s

This isn't funny ~ but the Bill Kristol Twitter survey question gets to the core of Donald Trump as being unfit for leadership.

In a Tweet on Tuesday, Donald Trump warned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that his nuclear button "is a much bigger & more powerful."

Conservative pundit Bill Kristol created the surreal response to this very real news:
In light of Donald Trump's Nuclear Button tweet, should we conclude we're living (survey):

13%in a Mel Brooks movie?
13%in a Monty Python skit?
74%only a short while longer

To which one Twitterzin responded:
Seriously Bill - this is beyond any joke. Do you have ANY influence to help the GOP come to its senses and remove this existential threat? (Better to be in the political wilderness - and a decent person - for a decade than be party to the end of our world and this insanity.)

And, in another Twitter thread, @DavidFrum wrote:

"Not in a mood for Twitter jokes. This is dark & dangerous. I shudder for every parent of a son or daughter in uniform - and for us all"

Trump warned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Twitter on Tuesday that he’s always prepared for the nuclear option.

“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times,’” he wrote on Twitter.

“Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

Dear God, Donald Trump is crazy. Republicans must remove him from office.
Every day, Americans wake up asking the same question: "Is Donald Trump still the president?" 
 We'll be spared asking ourselves that question if this crazy Trump incompetent leadership sets off a nuclear war. In fact, the rhetorical question "is he or isn't he?", will be irrelevant.

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