Maine Writer

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

No facts - no sympathy Donald Trump gets more free media

On a morning on March 22, 2016, when the world is mourning even more terrorism attacks in Brussels in Belgium, with dozens dead resulting from bombing attacks at the Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro, the Today Show decided to interview Donald Trump. So, Donald Trump gets even more free media time, but what does he do? He offers "NO facts- NO sympathy" and no information about what he would do if her were (God forbid) elected president or leader of the free world. 
Passengers and airport staff are evacuated from the terminal building after Tuesday morning’s explosions.
Terrorist bombing in Brussels Belgium March 22, 2016
Instead, Donald Trump opened his free interview talking about his crazy poll numbers. After that, he then said he would close all US borders. HELLO? So, will Americans form a human chain along all of the US Canada and Mexico international borders? How would Trump-Drumpf close the US borders? Trump did not explain how to close US borders. In fact, closing borders is irresponsible and, indeed, even impossible. Rather, the right answer is to build excellent communications with Canada and Mexico to prevent illegal immigration between all three nations.

Rather than open his interview with Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer, with appropriate messages of sympathy to the Europeans and the entire Belgian population during this sad time, Trump spoke about his poll numbers instead of offering useful information.

Shame on Today for giving stupid Donald Trump even more free media time, when the wanna-be president, leader of the free world, contributed no facts about the Brussels bombings.

Although the surrogate NBC correspondent, Kelly O'Donnell, went on Twitter to explain how the 2016 presidential front runners were invited to be interviewed, but only stupid Donald Trump responded, that was a weak excuse for giving free media time to a candidate. Obviously Ms. O'Donnell, American only has one president at a time and stupid Drumpf-Trump is not the one.  

In the event Donald Trump had something to add to the Belgian condition, other than stoke more fear, then, maybe, there was a reason to include him in a free media blitz. Otherwise, Trump's "no facts-no sympathy" interview was a total waste of time and denigrated quality journalism.

NBC employs classy journalists like Pete Williams, Richard Engel and Tom Costello. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to pay for experts to report the news instead of wasting important media time creating news with the "no facts-no sympathy" commentary by Donald Trump. 

My sympathy to the people of Europe and particularly the Belgians.
These are terribly tragic times, but Donald Trump is not the person to improve our human condition.

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