Maine Writer

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala Harris is a fresh political voice who speaks "for the people"

Echo opinion letter published in the News and Advance in Lynchburg, Virginia: 
I’ve been basking in the joy of the Democratic National Convention. Every speaker and almost all of the attendees are exuding the happiness they feel in turning the page to a new American politic. Harris’ “for the people “ is a clear contrast with Trump’s “for me” and one wonders why anyone would waste a vote on him. Trump is now insulting the American people even more with a “gala” at one of his properties to honor the criminals who participated in the January 6th insurrection. I suspect it’s just another of his grifts. 

It was reported this week that much of Donald Trump's campaign💲 contributions 💰have been diverted to his pockets.

I was pleased to read this week that President Biden is still working very hard to end Israel’s disgraceful genocidal war against the Palestinians. I feel compassion for the families of those being held hostage by Hamas, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling compassion for every Palestinian being held in the concentration camp we know as Gaza. The West Bank, where lawless settlers with the protection of the IDF, daily steal the land and capital of the Palestinians is no better. The Palestinians know the US supplies Israel with weapons. Presently, American citizens should use common sense before going to Israel or Russia.
5 symbols of Ukrainian independence

Finally, I was more than a little amused to read about Putin’s frustration with those pesky old Ukrainians, who have now turned the tables on him and invaded his country. Today I read that a Ukrainian missile sank the last ferry able to move railroad tank cars to Crimea. With the Kerch railroad bridge still unusable, Putin now has a major problem in supplying fuel to his military and citizens.

From Mike Tabony in Gladstone Virginia

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