Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Filled with grief and rage about the misguided and unhinged Donald Trump

Echo opinion letter to the editor: Trying to understand the Trumpzi base by Terry Larson, published in the Topeka, Kansas Capital Journal newspaper.  

Tump is not qualified to be a candidate for president.  
Trump is dangerous!
Trumpziism is Nazism

This opinion letter published in 2020, is as timely today, because the facts are completely current. Insightful people have been warning Americans, even before 2016, when the Trumpzi decided to run for president, even though he is not qualified to hold any political office.

I can forgive those who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. However, if they continue to support him, I cannot respect them. I have used every relevant adjective to describe my feelings toward this truly incompetent, corrupt and cruel individual who became this country’s president. There I go again.

However, I am so filled with grief and rage that it is difficult to stop.

The tragedy of Trump is that he can be what he is because of that core of supporters aka his base, of course, those cowardly enablers we know as Republican elected officials. Are the members of his base so filled with hatred and intolerance that Trump is the god that they made in their own image?

Fox keeps harping about Trumpziim.  An echo chamber of distortions and outright lies poison the gullible viewers’ minds and souls. Trump was warned. Trump called it a hoax. Trump promoted false cures. Fox, Trump, Trump, Fox — where does one begin and the other end?

As a fortunate beneficiary of 12-step recovery, I have learned an important truth: If you have a problem, you are part of the problem. Donald Trump blames everybody and everything else for all of his problems. This is very sick behavior. 

I don’t understand why his base and the Trumpzi enablers don’t see it as his paranoia and rage can be seen on our TV sets almost every day.  Enablers are sick people, too. The Trump base? Perhaps they are even sicker.

From Terry Larson, in Topeka, Kansas

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