Maine Writer

Its about people and issues I care about.

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Sunday, December 05, 2021

Fakenews as a middle name!

'I thought after Rush Limbaugh's death, I wouldn't be subjected to any more right-wing attack drivel from anarchist Trump supporters, but Roy Whipple's "Biden legacy" letter proved me wrong," wrote Thomas Finch in The Times. (Maine Writer: Roy Whipple's name should be clarified to readers- he writes like he's "Roy FakeNews Sir Simpleton Cult" !)

Maine Writer would like to anoint several other right wing fanatics with the same title- like Floxie-Messy Jeanine Pirro, for example.  She wears a disguise because, in my opinion, the FoxFakeNewsDiva is really DJTrump, in drag.  The name of this Foxie should really be "Madam Jeanine FakeNews Trumpzi Cult Senior.)

This letter to the editor echo opinion was published in The Times newspaper, in Beaver, Pennsylvania:

Stupid Is As Stupid Does!

Dear Editor:  Just like Rush used to do, Whipple used obscure facts, flimsy allegations, personal opinion, lies, shoddy logic and Faux (Sir Simpleton!) News talking points to throw stones at an honorable man, trying his best to improve life for all Americans – unlike his predecessor, #TFG, who was undoubtedly the worst president in American history.

You've heard about people in glass houses not throwing stones? Due to Trump's many failures, his disregard for the Constitution and his attempted coup to stay in power by overturning a safe, fair and accurate election, I consider it foolish and un-Christian to be nit-picking at Biden after just seven months on the job.

Given the time; and a Senate without Moscow Mitch, and the two traitor "D"s – Manchin and Sinema – great things could happen in our country. Time will tell, if you keep an open mind; but Trumper Republicans aren't known for partisanship, cooperation or respecting facts. They prefer to believe their own made-up delusions. Lies instead of facts.

"Truth" – and I emphasize that word – counts for very little when public opinion can be swayed by alarmist rhetoric, xenophobia, and lies about police defunding. The entire "CRT" fiasco only pertains to college-age legal scholars – and is not about influencing elementary school kids about race. You want to talk about 'cancel culture?' I guess that depends on "whose ox is being gored."

I hear no complaints about how children "down South" were taught for generations that the era between the years of 1861-65 was the "War of Northern Aggression," or was about "states rights" while eliminating all references to slavery. Or do you need to see more Confederate 'stars 'n bars' being carried by MAGA hat-wearing idiots?

Maine Writer totally agrees with this statement: "President Joe Biden has more integrity in his thumbnail, than Trumpzi has in his entire bloated, racist, fascist, narcissistic body. After what we had to endure the past four years, Biden needs our support – not ducking stones from feeble-armed (aka FakeNews!) stone-throwers.

Thomas Finch, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania

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