Maine Writer

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Vaccines save lives! Listen to medical scientists and get vaccinated!

Opinion echo to the editor: Listen to experts, get vaccinated!
Published in Trib.Live, in Western Pennsylvania.

Taking COVID vaccines, with their rare risks, is much safer than the frequent risks of actually getting the COVID virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), this nation’s best source of information about contagious diseases. 

Yet, unbelievably, we often hear people say, “My fear of the vaccines is much greater than my fear of COVID.” This seems to come from those who have only been listening to their buddies, uninformed relatives and (stupid!) politicians.

Instead, listen to medical sources. The CDC reports that 95% of doctors are willing to take the vaccines.

COVID is random about those it strikes. Certain groups, such as seniors and those with pre-existing conditions, are more vulnerable to COVID, but it also kills and does long-term damage to younger people, who have no other medical complications.

Listen carefully to those who are anti-vaccine, then answer with facts, not emotions. Get those vaccinations! Knowing the medical facts about COVID is far safer for freedom, liberty and easing of economic distress than saying that political issues outweigh scientific reality.  #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives

Marguerite Babcock, Cook, Pennsylvania

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