Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Antivaxxers are not pro-life- what are they thinking?

Certainly makes no sense to me, but conservatives who obsess about being pro-life and who turn toxic in opposition to abortion are completely deaf about how COVID vaccines save lives. Even the risk of death cannot bring them to realize how vaccines save lives.

Dick Farrel, a longtime conservative radio host based in Palm Beach County, Florida, who was skeptical of the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and refused to get vaccinated, has died of COVID-19.
COVID vaccine confidence is the real "pro-life" health policy.

Echo opinion letter published in the Virginia Gazette

Is it just a coincidence that the same people who support Trump are now catching COVID-19 at a stunning rate because they refuse to get a shot?

How can any intelligent citizen of this country vote for a man who lied over 30,000 times in four years? Trump’s mismanagement of COVID has cost at least half of the COVID deaths.

How can any responsible citizen refuse to get a couple of shots to best protect his fellow citizens? If they aren’t idiots, then they are lazy for not informing themselves better.

The irony is that those same people may be committing suicide.

Zan Cartwright,  James City County, Virginia

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