Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Donald Trump and his math challenged voting advice is illegal

Donald Trump has demonstrated how he is math challenged.  Obviously, he does not understand the arithmetic involved in the simple counting equation, i.e.,  one person = one vote.

An echo opinion letter published in the Austin Texas Statesman
Trying to vote twice is a violation of the law

During Trump’s “reign,” we have witnessed illegal activities, some caused by him, some influenced by him. What we face is a feeling that he remains above the law.

Now he has asked his wrong minded supporters to first send in a mail-in ballot, then vote in person.

There is only one reason he wants this to happen. And, he figures, him being above the law and all, that no one would call him on the fact this is an illegal activity.

Per the executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, “Attempting to vote twice in an election or soliciting someone to do so is a violation of North Carolina law.”

Mentioned to (fake!) Attorney General Barr, he shrugs his shoulders, saying the president was just making a point. And the “tweeter in chief” keeps, well, (dangerously) tweeting, raising the fear factor in these United States.

This fish is rotting from the head down. Let’s toss it out.

Doug Simmer, Austin, Texas #voteBlue 



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