Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Donald Trump needs to understand "what goes around comes around" #uglywords

"'What goes around comes around' or 'as you sow, so shall you reap' is the basic understanding of karma, the law of cause and effect." 
Ugly Trump words- echo opinion letter published in Tulsa World, an Oklahoma newspaper:

My late brother, 1st Lt. Jack Stanley Coombes, was a Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart who was laid to rest on Memorial Day in 1979.

He was neither a “sucker” nor a “loser.” The loser is any fool who would dare call him those ugly names. #Trumploser #fakeTrump

Wrong-minded supporters of #uglywords Donald Trump have questioned the accuracy of reports confirmed by multiple news outlets that he ever made such comments, claiming there is no audio or video record of him using those words.
But there is audio and video of Trump during the 2016 Republican primary debates calling Sen. John McCain a “loser” for being captured by the North Vietnamese when his plane was shot down.

Those are bold words from a man who avoided military service through wealth and power, claiming dubious bone spurs.

Ted Coombes, Vinita, Oklahoma

Editor’s Note: Donald Trump said this about Sen. John McCain in July 2015, to conservative pollster Frank Luntz: “He lost (the 2008 election), so I never liked him as much after that because I don’t like losers ... He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured.



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