Maine Writer

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Donald Trump uses Nazi Storm Trooper tactics to squelsh peaceful protests

Donald Trump is incompetent but rather than demonstrate leadership he is misusing military as his storm troopers police force

Echo opinion letter to the editor published in the Providence Journal, in Rhode Island.

When governors, during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, looked to Washington for a coordinated federal response and assistance with securing necessary medical equipment, President Donald Trump said they were on their own. When protesters showed up on the steps of several state house capital buildings brandishing automatic weapons, Donald Trump incited violence by encouraging them to liberate their states. 

Now, when protesters are demanding that our country look at issues of racial and social justice, matters that are of little importance to the president, he sends in unidentifiable federal militia in the name of law and order. He also threatens other cities with similar military intervention, despite the mayors and governors of these cities and states demanding that they do not want this to happen. These are the actions of an authoritarian regime, not those of a duly elected president of a democratic republic. As always, it is not America First, but Trump First.

Norman Fortin, in North Kingstown, Rhode Island



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