Maine Writer

Its about people and issues I care about.

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

My blogs are dedicated to the issues I care about. Thank you to all who take the time to read something I've written.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Donald Trump is a national disgrace: "The biggest detriment to our country."

Echo opinion published in The Patriot Ledger, a Massachusettes newsaper:

#Coronavirus #COVID-19

To the editor:  ....people need to remember how we got here. Trump fired the entire pandemic response team in 2018. He said that he dismantled this team because he did not want people sitting around. Scientists, who are trying to protect America and other countries around the world from infectious diseases do not sit around.

Trump fired the team because it was set up by President Obama to protect Americans against the spread Ebola and other infectious diseases. Trump dismantled this team, just as he has deregulated the clean water and clean air acts put in place by Obama to protect Americans.

Because of Trump’s hatred for Obama, he has negated all the good that was done for the health and safety of Americans.

Trump was responsible for the longest government shutdown that hurt Americans.

He put America and our allies in danger when he had General Soleimani assassinated.

He preys on people’s fears. He spews anger and hatred every day with his continuous lying. He is the biggest detriment to our country.

From Carol Massey, Braintree Massachusettes  



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