Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

My blogs are dedicated to the issues I care about. Thank you to all who take the time to read something I've written.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Create political change by voting!

To the editor:  In the interest of full disclosure, I do not get my identity from my political beliefs. Over the decades, my political opinions have evolved as the culture has changed. I have family members, friends, coworkers and acquaintances who hold a variety of political views. I respect them all.
"...we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation."- Martin Luther King

Like millions of Americans, I am concerned about the polarization and uncivil discourse in this country. While we may be speaking the same words, we are attributing different meanings to these words. Let’s look up the following definitions of “revolution,” “repentance” and “reconciliation” in the dictionary.

Revolution is “a forcible overthrow of government or social order, in favor of a new system.” The American Revolution overthrew a British monarchy for a republic. The French Revolution overthrew a French king for anarchy. The Russian Revolution overthrew a Russian Czar for communism. None of these subjects had the right to vote to influence or change their government. All involved violence, death, loss of property and imprisonment.

Repentance is “a call to persons to make a radical turn from one way of life to another.” It is much more than feeling sorry or guilty; repentance leads to an observable change. When we acknowledge that we are part of the problem, we can become part of the solution. Repentance is the first step toward reconciliation.

Reconciliation is “the process of two or more people or groups in a conflict agreeing to make amends or come to a truce.”

Revolution is fueled by anger, repentance by humility, reconciliation by concern. Revolution is symbolized by a raised fist, repentance by a bowed head, reconciliation with an outstretched hand.

Revolution shouts, repentance whispers, reconciliation listens. Revolution tears down statues, reconciliation erects new ones to overlooked heroes.

In revolution the oppressed become the oppressors. In reconciliation the oppressed become equals. Revolution draws a line in the sand and demands you pick a side. Reconciliation invites you to the table to express your views.

Revolution wants to destroy the Judeo/Christian foundation of our nation. Reconciliation acknowledges we have failed to live by the ideals we claim to believe.

In the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. transformed American society without throwing a brick or hurling an insult. His weapon was the word of God. I challenge you to read the books written by him or watch his “I Have a Dream Speech” online.

America as we have known it is at a crossroads. It is not a choice between left or right, Democrat or Republican. It is a choice between revolution or reconciliation. I choose reconciliation.

From June O’Donal
Denmark, Maine



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