Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Friday, January 31, 2020

Donald Trump does not recognize any fact that is not favorable to him

"...fear for our form of government if our senators and representatives are willing to ignore Trump's continued misconduct."

Donald J. Trump is self-dealing. He is using the power and prestige of his office to promote himself and punish any who oppose him. I suspect the full depth of his corruption will take years to unravel.

Trump has made the world a more dangerous place. 

Our American allies are not sure they can depend on us.

He fawns over Putin. He does not recognize any fact that is not favorable to him. He continues to dismantle environmental protections in the face of a global environmental crisis.
His history of hitting back hard has cowed Republicans in both houses. Re-election appears to top their agenda.

I fear for our form of government if our senators and representatives are willing to ignore Trump's continued misconduct. We elected a bad one. The sooner we are rid of him the better.

Truth and justice used to be the American way. Where did they go? Are our legislators too fearful to seek them? I hope they will call a few witnesses.

Seek the truth. See if they are brave enough to vote for justice.

From David Sivadon, Mounds Oklahoma

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