Maine Writer

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Monday, January 27, 2020

Donald Trump's evidence of cheating and he will continue until removed from office

The Rat That Has But One Hole is Soon Caught
Opinion echo letter published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch newspaper:

During the run-up to the Senate impeachment trial, legal commentator Chuck Rosenber discussed his struggle to boil down the case against President Donald Trump that the Democratic House trial managers presented. He came up with the following epigram: Trump tried to cheat. It was crass. He got caught. We have a choice.

Trump tried to cheat when he decided to get the president of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, his chief rival in the upcoming 2020 election. If Trump were genuinely concerned about Biden’s corruption, he would have asked his Justice Department to investigate, not a foreign government.

It was crass of Trump to believe he could withhold much-needed military aid to a country in the middle of a hot war with Russia, in an attempt to extort the announcement of a Biden investigation from the president of Ukraine.

Trump got caught when a whistleblower came forward to report what happened during a call that Trump placed to the president of Ukraine during which he asked for a “favor, though.”

And we have a choice to dismiss this threat to our democracy as not rising to the level of a “high crime or misdemeanor,” or we can recognize that if Trump is not removed from office, he will be free to find another way to cheat.

From James Metz, Richmond, Virginia

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