Maine Writer

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Friday, April 06, 2018

Unpopular Republican tax cuts for the rich ~ vote Blue

GOP *tax cuts for the rich* ~ Republicans serves wealthy donors

Vote them out!
The Republican federal tax cuts passed in December are declared a failure.

Donald Trump and the Republicans promised businesses would use the tax savings to generate more jobs at higher wages.

Look behind the headlines....

In early January, dozens of large companies like Walmart and Home Depot made headlines by giving all of their employees bonuses of a couple thousand dollars. Then, Apple announced it would bring back billions of dollars that it had in foreign bank accounts.

Things were looking good, but it’s important to look behind the headlines. Workers at Walmart and Home Depot still make less than a living wage. 

Moreover, the business-friendly website reported that the vast majority of the tax cuts went to shareholders, mostly in the form of stock buybacks, which boost the share price. To put it in March Madness terms: workers score 6, shareholders score $171 billion.

Many people are working two jobs to make ends meet. They pray they or their kids don’t get sick, because they can’t afford health insurance. Instead of addressing these serious needs, the Republicans have just given a huge windfall to their wealthy donors and ignored the desperation of struggling workers. Luckily, there is an election in November. 

Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and many other Republicans will be on the ballot. My advice: Vote Democrat.

— Blair R. Tuttle, Erie

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