Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Medicaid Expansion ~ Maine people speak in Augusta State House April 3, 2018

A press conference held jointly by Maine Providers Standing Up for Healthcare with Maine Equal Justice Partners.

AUGUSTA, ME ~ The purpose of the April 3, 2018 press conference was to educate the public about demanding the Governor Paul LePage administration's due compliance with the Medicaid Expansion law.

Donna Walls (right) at the April 3, 2018 press conference with Maine Providers Standing Up for Healthcare, pictured with Allison Weiss, in Augusta Maine
Maine lawmakers, five times, passed the Medicaid Expansion as provided under the Affordable Care Act.  Each time, the bill was vetoed by Maine Governor Paul LePage. Subsequently, in November 2017, the Medicaid Expansion was passed by ballot initiative.

Today in Augusta, Maine, the providers and Maine citizens demanded for the Governor LePage administration to comply with the law and to support the law passed by voters.

Donna Wall described the circumstances she is challenged since her Medicaid coverage was revoked by Governor Paul LePage.

Press conference attendees were visibly moved by Donna Wall's dire situation:

My name is Donna Wall and I'm a member of the Lewiston community.  I am one of the thousands of uninsured Mainers who are struggling with medical debt and worried about my future.

I am a full time, unpaid caregiver for my three adult kids living with autism.  When my two sons turned 18 years old, almost two years ago, I lost MaineCare eligibility and I've been uninsured ever since.  I'm here speaking today to show my support for caregivers and the medical providers who work so hard to take care of our kids, elders and loved ones. Medical providers see, first hand, what happens when their patients are uninsured and I thank them for speaking up with me today.

Over the past few months, I have been reminded of just how important health care is.  Although I already work full-time as an unpaid caregiver, I needed to find paid work to support my kids and I managed to find a job that fit my busy schedule. 

At 2 AM, after my kids were long asleep, I delivered newspapers door-to-door.  If I ran, the four-mile route could take me three hours.  If the weather was bad, it could take me close to five or six hours.  The long, cold Maine winters were the worst because of the icy conditions.  Last year, I fell and injured my tailbone and rib.  

I didn't go to the hospital because I knew I couldn't afford the bill.

This past December, while on my newspaper route, I slipped and fella gain.  This time, I was left with more than a bruise. I broke every bone in my ankle. I had no way of avoiding going to the hospital, this time. It was devastating when the emergency room doctor told me I needed surgery.  All I could do was think about who was going to care for my kids and how I was going to pay for my medical treatment.

To date, I am $62,000 in medical debt. Knowing that Medicaid expansion is the law and will be implemented on July 2nd is a huge relief for me and my family. I will no longer have to fear going outside and getting hurt and being burdened with more debt. I can focus on caring for my kids.

Governor LePage said he will not implement the Medicaid expansion law until the wait lists for home care services are funded.

Well, I am living proof that this is a false choice that we do not need to make. My children are on the wait list for section 21 services AND I need health care under the expansion, so that I can continue to care for them.

Both issues can be priorities. With revenue surplus of $140 million, the Governor could propose to fund Medicaid expansion and reduce the wait list for home care services. The governor is creating a false choice and attempting to pit people against one another, but we are all in this together and Maine can do better than that. 

The truth is, that Governor LePage is choosing to prioritize tax breaks for corporations and wealthy ahead of providing affordable health care for all Mainers. 

I am calling on the Governor and the Legislature to ensure that Medical expansion is funded so that people like me can get the health care they need. 

We're counting the days; we're counting on you.

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