Maine Writer

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Echo from Ilinois ~ Donald Trump and the reign of disaster

Fixing America in the Donald Trump reign of disaster

Congress is the only hope for fixing White House~ vote Democratic!

Never before has America been in such perilous times with a man in the White House so completely unsuited for the job of president. The stock market dropped due to Trump's trade wars while our democracy hangs in the balance because this White House refuses to accept an election was interfered with by Russia. 

Donald Trump has abdicated his oath of office to protect the Constitution and now pushes our nation toward fascism.

Unfortunately, there is nowhere enough space in this letter to address even a portion of his lies.

Moreover, the swamp Trump claimed he would drain now fills with corruption unseen in modern times, our State Department has been decimated, (MaineWriter~ even the recently approved Mike Pompeo to be the Secretary of State has a history of misrepresenting his military credentials) nations cannot rely on the U.S. to abide by agreements and our government is stuck in inertia.

There is remedy in the Constitution, yet Congress will not act. The House of Representatives has the power to return stability to government and the nation, yet they kowtow to a narcissistic, mentally unstable serial liar.

This leaves citizens with only one solution: change Congress. Next November, each of us must put country above party, and we do that by removing all impediments, such as (Republican) Congressman Randy Hultgren.

Donald Trump must be removed from office to mitigate the damage he does to our nation. America's once-stellar reputation suffers as Trump spends golfing weekends at taxpayer expense at his Florida golf club.

First we must fix Congress to fix the White House.

(Vote Democrat in 2018!)

Anthony Bravos, Woodstock Illinois

America must end this reign of Trumzi disaster. 

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