Maine Writer

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Trump's obsession - Vladimir Putin is the new Elvis!

I'm convinced that every time Donald Trump sees Russian President Vladimir Putin, he becomes delusional and thinks he's had a sighting of Elvis Presley, who died in 1977.

It's embarrassingly obvious. Whenever Donald Trump is in the same space as Russian President Vladimir Putin, he acts like he's having an Elvis sighting.  

(In the late 1980s, Elvis sightings encountered became fodder for humorous publications like the Weekly World News. So, in my opinion, this coincides with the formative political years in the life of Donald Trump.  Didn't he begin throwing out hints about his ambitious political intent in 1987, when his ghost written "Art of the Deal" was published?  Ever since then, he's lived in a political fantasy world= but his cult still supports him.)

Russian President Vladimir Putin is enjoying the attention from Donald Trump's "teenage like" obsession. Whenever the two are together, it's like Trump is experiencing an "Elvis sighting".
It was painfully obvious when Donald Trump was recently in Vietnam, because he couldn't wait to touch Vladimir Putin. Moreover, upon arriving back home, Donald Trump was like a kid at Christmas waiting for Vladimir to call him at the White House. It's embarrassing.

Regardless of how many times the international and American intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, MI16, NSA etc.) have warned Donald Trump about the dangers of being co-opted by Russia, it just doesn't sink in.  Instead, Donald Trump acts like a teenager in love. Nothing that anybody tells him will resonate as meaningful. It's giddily obvious. To Donald Trump, the aura surrounding Vladimir Putin is like watching Elvis emerge through stage smoke, while "Star Wars" music erupts in his obsessed brain.

Not only does Donald Trump act like a teenager around Vladimir Putin, but he even keeps secret the conversations he has with the man. They meet side stage, sneak little snippets of cute conversations and not much is known about their telephone conversations. Isn't it just like a teenager to keep secrets?

Except here are the harsh realities. Vladimir Putin is a serial assassin. He's a former Russian KGB spy who is cold blooded in his pursuit of his enemies. Although Donald Trump admires the Russian dictator, the fact is, this feeling is "nyet", not reciprocated.

In fact, the Kremlin is laughing so hard, its domes are dancing every time Putin talks about his experiences with Donald Trump.

Even worse, although the world knows that Elvis is no longer alive, Donald Trump still sees "the King" in the person of Vladimir Putin.

Unfortunately, for the first time, the world is united in laughing with Vladimir Putin, joining him on this particular joke.

Donald Trump isn't making anybody great again, but he's doing wonders for the already puffed up ego of Vladimir Putin.

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