Maine Writer

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Donald Trump protected from unpopularity

Polls show Trump the least popular president ever, plunging even lower- Newsweek

Donald Trump is cared for by White House baby sitters who protect him from his unpopularity

Trump aides show him only positive polls- The Daily Beast

Donald Trump’s aides and advisers have made a habit of showing him only positive polls to cheer him up, Politico reports. 

Aides and advisers cited in the report said they show him polls “designed to make him feel good,” usually those that focus solely on his base. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Trump adviser, said the president is still “in campaign mode” and closely tracks his polling numbers. “I think he’s never really kind of gotten out of campaign mode and I thought he might,” Christie was cited as saying. Several senior aides and advisers said the Trump administration only becomes concerned when support slips in his base, while another official said public pollsters are often seen as “not understanding him.” 

Two other White House officials cited in the report said the strategy of focusing exclusively on polling numbers in Trump’s base was “just not accurate” and producing “delusional” ideas about the president's support.

MaineWriter- This un-presidential behavior (only believing positive polls?) puts the White House staff into a baby sitting mode. Rather than working to raise the badly needed integrity of Donald Trump's stupid Tweets and often incoherent communications, they are gate keeping information that might be "upsetting" to him.

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