Maine Writer

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Precious American blood is hardly dry in Ramadi but evil ISIS is taking back the Iraq city

This current fiasco in Ramadi, follows two tragic Battles to control the Iraqi city of Ramadi.
The Battle of Ramadi was fought in 2006 and Americans lost lives defending this Iraqi city.

Now, Ramadi could fall to evil ISIS militants, Iraqi official warns.
Sadly, Americans aren't hearing the details about this serial disaster in our national media.  

Instead, main stream media are too busy stalking Mrs. Hillary Clinton, as she travels in Iowa.  

My sincere sympathy to the families of American military who died trying to defend Ramadi, because now their deaths must be explained.  Ramadi might well become an evil ISIS stronghold.  

West of Baghdad, Iraq (CNN: ISIS militants might be just hours away from taking the key Iraqi city of Ramadi. Fierce fighting has engulfed Ramadi, which lies only about 70 miles (113 kilometers) west of Baghdad and is the capital of Anbar province, Iraq's Sunni's unclear how much longer government troops can hold their front lines against the ISIS offensive.

The Battle of Ramadi in 2006 (sometimes referred to as the Second Battle of Ramadi) was fought during the Iraq War from April 2006 to November 2006 for control of the capital of the Al Anbar Governorate in western Iraq. A combined force of U.S. Soldiers, U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy SEALs, and Iraqi Security Forces fought insurgents for control of key locations in Ramadi, including the Government Center and the General Hospital. Coalition strategy relied on establishing a number of patrol bases called Combat Operation Posts throughout the city.

U.S. military officers believe that insurgent actions during the battle led to the formation of the Anbar Awakening. In August, insurgents executed a tribal sheik who was encouraging his kinsmen to join the Iraqi police and prevented his body from being buried in accordance with Islamic laws. In response, Sunni sheiks banded together to drive insurgents from Ramadi. In September 2006, Sheik Abdul Sattar Abu Risha formed the Anbar Salvation Council, an alliance of approximately 40 Sunni tribes.[9]

U.S. Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for actions during the battle. On September 29, 2006, he threw himself upon a grenade which threatened the lives of the other members of his team. Monsoor had previously been awarded the Silver Star in May for rescuing an injured comrade in the city.

The battle also marked the first use of chlorine bombs by insurgents during the war. On October 21, 2006, insurgents detonated a car-bomb with two 100-pound chlorine tanks, injuring three Iraqi policemen and a civilian in Ramadi.

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