Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Voters support Kamala Harris on her economy to lower middle class taxes and on reproductive freedom

Echo opinion letter published in the Richland Source, a Ohio newspaper:

Dear Editor: I am voting for Kamala Harris because I agree with her approach on the economy.

The highest earners and corporations should NOT have a lower tax rate than a firefighter, teacher, or nurse.

The concept of giving corporations higher tax breaks with the thought they will pass on those savings to their own working class employees is a joke. They don’t do that.

Their profits get higher and higher while their employees wages and benefits are stagnant.

So, to combat that, maybe they pay more in taxes, so the government can use that money to invest in the middle class — help them with housing, child care, health care — when we have a strong, healthy middle class, the entire economic system will be stronger.
And of course, I agree with her stance on reproductive freedom, LGBTQ rights and protections, racial equity, her philosophy that affordable health care is a basic human right rather than a privilege to those who are fortunate enough to have an employer that will help pay their premiums.

She wants to help all Americans rather than stoke divisiveness and petty grievances. There is really only one candidate that has actual ideas and solutions. Vote Blue 2024

And there is only one candidate that is willing to make compromises with the opposition in order to actually get things done. The negativity and fear mongering that DonOLD Trump spews every time he speaks is just not what I want in a President. It’s appalling.

Character matters to me.

From Melissa Hammond in Bellville, Ohio

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