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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kamala Harris "Rocks"- 2024 presidential debate's star! She is ready to lead!

Yes, America, a once and (God forbid❗) possibly future president of the United States made that bizarre, baseless, possibly delusional statement Tuesday night. #VoteHarrisWalz2024 
Sometimes the word (J.D. Vance❗)  “weird”👿👹 just isn’t enough.

Before millions of TV viewers watching this election’s only scheduled presidential debate, Donald Trump warned us that Haitian immigrants in a small Ohio town — the vast majority of them legal immigrants, mind you — are not only eating local dogs but cats, too.

They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what is happening,” he said. Wait until the childless cat ladies hear about this!

Repeating a meme from the right-wing recesses of social media and shared by the likes of his vice presidential candidate, J.D. Vance (as well as our own - 'Cruz to lose❗'- Ted Cruz), Trump insisted it was true; ❓he saw it on television.😲😦😩 The man who wants the nuclear codes saw it on television.📺

Only there was little heart in what Trump was saying and selling. There never is.😒 As such, Harris stealthily invited Americans to attend one of Trump’s rallies so they could observe not just the crowds leaving early out of exhaustion and boredom but how little Trump talks about you, us, We The People, in his droning monologues.

Donald Trump, rambling and raving, proved that he’s the same old Donald Trump, only worse. Trump’s humane society public service announcement was far from the only bizarre statement he made. 

Among the more memorable:

Transgender operations “on illegal aliens that are in prison."
• “She’s a Marxist; everyone knows she’s a Marxist."
• ‘We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.’ Adolph Hitler, who reportedly drew 700,000 at Nuremberg in 1934, would surely disagree.
• Some states allow “abortion” after the baby is born. “In other words, we’ll execute the baby,” he claimed. Of course, no state allows infanticide.
• He called himself “a leader on fertilization IVF." 
• His model for an effective head of state continues to be Hungarian strongman Viktor Orban.
• He will magically end Russia’s war with Ukraine and Israel’s war with Hamas. How? He won’t say.His Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, could only smile and shake her head. “Talk about extreme,” she said. She had obviously gotten under his skin.

Growing stronger and more assured as the debate unfolded — and as Trump grew increasingly agitated and unhinged as he took her rhetorical bait — Harris proved to doubters and to those who just didn’t know much about her that she is quick-witted, controlled and thoughtful enough to be the next president of the United States.

We’ll add intuitive to the list since her strategic facial expressions — most notably, the stern squint and the mix of pity and incredulity conveyed in her fabulously furrowed brow — were quite effective. 

Texas translation: Bless his heart.

As usual, he was the high priest of hyperbole: “We have a nation that is dying.”… “We’re going to end up in a Third World War.”… Joe Biden was “the worst president in the history of our country.” Harris “goes down as the worst vice president.”… “Israel will not exist within two years from now.”

Earlier this week, we expressed a bit of impatience with scoring a debate as a performance, and yet Harris “performed” about as well as any presidential aspirant in the past half century. Seven weeks after a debate dramatically changed the course of American politics, Harris may have done it again — albeit in a positive way.

Harris’ triumph was a 90-minute indictment of a man who has absolutely no business getting anywhere near the White House again. A sharp and unrelenting prosecutor, she reminded voters of the criminal convictions he faces. “Donald Trump actually has no plan for you,” she said, speaking directly to viewers, “because he is more interested in defending himself than he is in looking out for you.”

She reminded Americans of the horrors of Jan. 6 and Trump’s Nero-like role in that debacle. She accused him of being obsessed with himself and no one else (and certainly not the nation). Despite his denials, she left him anchored to the now-notorious Project 2025 blueprint for a second Trump administration. She called him a threat to the future of the country if voters buy into his tired doomsday schtick.

In arguably her most effective indictment, she tied Trump to the worst of the results of the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. He was responsible, she charged, for women “bleeding out” in parking lots, for women with problem pregnancies having to flee to other states to get the medical care they desperately needed, for forcing a 12-year-old victim of rape to carry a child to term.

She also outlined her policy positions more effectively than she had done during a CNN interview last month, including some of the more liberal positions she held during her presidential run in 2019. She said she no longer supports a ban on fracking or a Medicare-for-all program. She also reminded viewers that she supported a tough, bipartisan immigration bill, one that Trump forced his Republican congressional allies to kill.

“My values have not changed, and what is important is that there is a president who actually brings values and a perspective that is about lifting people up and not beating people down and name-calling,” she said. 

Harris proposed lowering housing prices in part by working with the private sector to increase supply by “3 million homes” in her first term. She also proposed a $6,000 child tax credit and a $50,000 tax deduction for start-up small businesses.

We do wish Harris would have been clearer about the economy and not dodged the hard questions such as why the Biden-Harris administration kept some of Trump’s Chinese tariffs in place. Blaming Trump for leaving a flailing economy without mentioning the pandemic is as disingenuous as Trump blaming Biden for inflation without mentioning the pandemic. Trump may have to mislead to win. Harris doesn’t. Doing so risks losing some of the higher ground in this race. Meanwhile, Trump still refused to acknowledge that he lost the 2020 election to President Biden. He refused to say that he wanted Ukraine to win its devastating war with Russia, refused to say whether he would veto a national abortion ban. He did say he has “concepts of a plan” to replace the Affordable Care Act but still no plan. 

Harris reminded viewers — and Trump — that he had been “fired” by 81 million people in the last election. “We cannot afford to have a president of the United States who attempts as he did in the past to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election,” she said. 

After the 2024 presidential Tuesday night’s debate, here’s what we know:

• The American people deserve better than Donald Trump. “We don’t have to go back,” to quote Harris. “Let’s not go back.”

• Kamala Harris is prepared to be president.⭐۞

• “They” are not eating dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio.

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