Maine Writer

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Monday, September 16, 2024

JD Vance says he must lie to get attention in the media but his evil hersay puts innocent people at risk of harm

Republicans DEMEANING behavior: Echo opinion letter published in the Kansas City Star newspaper:

HELLO? I love cats.
Most people I know love cats. Vice presidential Republican candidate J.D. Vance spreads false rumors about cats being eaten by Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, and DonOLD Trump further promoted the idea in the presidential debate last week. This unfounded claim is based on wild internet hearsay and has been refuted by local police and other officials. 

The issue is not that one preposterous allegation has appeared online, but rather that it has been given extended life by a major (Republican❗) political party, including its members of Congress and candidates for president and vice president. 

Could this be part of their ongoing efforts to brand immigrants and people of color as those to be feared and hated? I guess they find their claims that immigrants are criminals, drug dealers, rapists and worse are not sufficient, so they resort to accusations of cat-eating.

Absurd. Can they possibly stoop any lower❓ 

From Sheryl Rose, St. Louis

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