Maine Writer

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Monday, July 15, 2024

American voters cannot be distracted from the threat of a fascist Trumpzi danger

Cliché for today:  The more things change the more they stay the same....warning 101....⚠️

Echo opinion published in the Boston Globe: "I can imagine Kennedy and Churchill teaming up to write an updated version of their original essays and titling this version, 'Why and While America Slept'.

Eighty four years ago, the book version of John F. Kennedy’s senior thesis at Harvard was published. 

John F. Kennedy as a Harvard student, with a copy of his book, "Why England Slept".

Titled “Why England Slept,” it built upon a work written by Winston Churchill in 1938, titled “While England Slept.”

Both works explored why so many in Great Britain ignored the rising threat posed by German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, as they attacked and occupied one European country after another in the wake of Hitler becoming chancellor in 1932.

Both JFK and Churchill lamented that by the time Great Britain woke up to the threat Hitler and the Nazis posed to British democracy, it was almost too late.

I recently reread JFK’s “Why England Slept” and as I read his thesis, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why are so few Americans alarmed by the threat Donald Trump and his neo-fascist MAGA political enablers and cult followers pose to our constitutional republic?”

This year’s election is undoubtedly the most critically important the nation has faced since 1860, and its outcome will determine what kind of country America will be for years, perhaps generations, to come.

Yet many, if not most, people seem oblivious to the dark political clouds gathering all around us and the threats they pose to all that Americans claim to believe in and hold dear.

I can imagine Kennedy and Churchill teaming up to write an updated version of their original essays and titling this version, “Why and While America Slept.”

Let’s hope enough Americans wake up between now and Novenber 5th, to avert a political disaster the likes of which the world has not seen since Hitler became chancellor.

From Michael Cook in Gloucester, Massachusetts

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