Maine Writer

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Abortion and the Bible opinion from Texas

An echo Christian opinion published in the Houston Chronicle

"On abortion, we must listen to doctors and patients."

What would Jesus do?
Regarding “Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, our patients are afraid. And so are we. | Opinion,” (July 8): The doctors who wrote this essay only scratched the surface of the suffering going on privately due to Texas’s abortion bans. 

As someone who counseled patients in a well-woman clinic before Roe was overturned, I have an idea how current legal restrictions would have made complicated and tragic situations even worse.

As a Christian, I know that the Bible cannot be used as a basis for these laws (for example, life begins at breath per Genesis 2; Ezekiel 37, and not conception or heartbeat, and Exodus 21:22-25 demonstrates that “Thou shalt not kill” does not apply). Jesus said nothing about abortion, but He did condemn those who do not care for the sick.

Texans and all voters must ask ourselves, "do we let politicians override doctors and their patients❓", or leave the care to those who are qualified❓

From Kim Batchelor, in Dallas Texas

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