Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Urgent memo to the COVID unvaccinated: 300 million doses are evidence to support safety!

Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's unexplainable to try and understand why so many skeptical Americans do not want to be vaccinated? These recalcitrant individuals, who unexplainably refuse to accept COVID vaccines, are putting all of us in the position of going back to pre-pandemic protective measures.
Get vaccinated!

"It is almost inexplicable why people, when they see the data in front of them, that they don't get vaccinated," Fauci said in an interview with CBS, "Face the Nation."

Memo to the unvaccinated. This echo opinion letter was published in Quad City Times, an Iowa newspaper.

Please explain: Why are you not vaccinated? 
Americans must vaccinate our way out of the COVID and Delta variant epidemic! Scientists cited new information about the ability of the Delta variant to spread among vaccinated people.

People are dying and COVID-19, especially the rising morbidity of the Delta variant, is spreading rapidly, mostly by the unvaccinated.

The only way to eradicate this deadly disease is for everyone who is eligible to become vaccinated. The vaccine is safe. It is much safer to get the vaccine than to contract the disease. Some claim it has not been adequately tested. 
Social media is not a source for medical advice!
Don’t believe everything you read on social media. It’s false! Listen to the CDC. Over 300 million doses have been administered in the United States alone. I would say that is a pretty good trial.

Over the centuries, vaccine programs have been incredibly successful. Smallpox has been completely eradicated. Polio, measles and mumps are rarely seen these days. Some "anti-vaxers" see attempts to get everyone vaccinated as an infringement on their personal freedom. I’m sorry, but your freedom cannot come at the expense of others. We owe it to our friends, children and neighbors to ensure that as few people as possible spread, get sick or die from this preventable disease.

I urge everyone that is eligible to get vaccinated as soon as possible to prevent further illness and death. It’s a known fact. You cannot vaccinate only one half of a herd or one half the population and expect to get rid of a disease.

Diane Gelaude in Orion, Illinois

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