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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Dangerous Former Guy cult

Trump cult is Nazi Germany redux.....

Think about it! Echo opinion letter published in the Daily Camera, a Boulder County, Colorado newspaper:

Donald Trump is obviously fixated on a return to Naziism

Not far from the tree
This is Nazi Germany of the 1930s/40s. #TFG'- Trump’s father, Fred Sr., was a seemingly vicious racist, anti-Semite, slum lord and a possible member of the Ku Klux Klan, as he was arrested at a KKK brawl in 1927 (“In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens,” Feb. 29, 2016, Washington Post) and possibly involved in the New York-New Jersey region of the German American Bund, or “Amerikadeutscher Bund,” an organization that supported the goals of Hitler’s Nazi Party, and it’s reasonable to assume he personally idealized Adolph Hitler.

The “Bund” was the overseas extension of the German Nazi Party, and it took its orders directly from Berlin. There is some evidence that Fred Trump was, in fact, a spy for the Nazi Party. Curiously, his FBI file from 1927 to 1960 has “disappeared.” In the 1930s, Fred Trump reportedly donated millions to the German Nazi Party.

It seems Donald Trump grew up embracing the Nazi Party and Hitler’s beliefs and methodologies; they form the basis upon which he has conducted his entire life and business. 

These horrible beliefs are laid out clearly in Hitler’s 1927 book, “Mein Kampf,” and later in a compilation of Hitler’s speeches published as “My New Order.” According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump told her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, that (Trump) “constantly reads a book of Hitler’s speeches ­and keeps a copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ at his bedside for reference. (“7 Takeaways From Vanity Fair’s 1990 Profile of Donald Trump, Aug. 5, 2015)

Today’s senior Republican leadership has clearly embraced these same beliefs in order to advance the party’s goals of seizing and maintaining control of the federal government permanently, using disenfranchisement of non-Republican voters and gerrymandering to seize and keep control through the Electoral College. Trump’s actions while president continue to indicate that he had and has no respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, or most of all the truth. Lying is integral to the Republican party’s current strategy.

Causing death through murder of more than 6 million Jews, and more than 75 million more dead because of the Nazis, today the Republican party has embraced their early beliefs, and is using their processes, policies, politics and procedures to seemingly replicate what Adolph Hitler created in Germany, promoting this evil right here in the United States.

Welcome to the new, better, more modern American Republican Nazi Party. Trump himself is an emotional, intellectual, ethical, moral and religious eunuch, and a pathological liar, but his influence and that of his cult of followers is an existential threat to the future of the United States.

Kenneth A. Marcoux in Boulder, Colorado

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