Maine Writer

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Trumpist's failed seditious response!

January 6th:  This was sedition

Echo opinion to the editor directed toward Congressman Richard Neal published in The Berkshire Eagle, in Massachusetts.

In my first communication with any congressman or senator of these United States of America, I call upon you, and other members of the Massachusetts congressional and senatorial delegations from our great state to proceed to congressional action against the seditionist acts of the #FormerGuy Donald Trump.

These seditious actions by Trump included communications to his blindly loyal cult followers, encouraging them via Twitter “to come to D.C. to protest the results of  the Trumpist's failed candidacy for a second term as the President of the United States.” To wit: Despite any evidence of any significant voter fraud, the current president refuses to accept the results that he lost. The target of the protesting was to be the congressional validation of the Electoral College results, a mostly pro-forma verification of all the states’ tallies.

He furthermore encouraged any protesters coming that “it’s going to be wild” by using that terminology in the invitation, implying and placing his imprimatur on their future actions.

Trump's invitation succeeded in bringing thousands of his supporters to the nation’s capital, where they proceeded to break into our U.S. Capitol by force, storming the building, breaking windows and doors, overwhelming our national security personnel and forcing our Congress along with their staff and any visitors to flee for their lives.

It was a shameful debacle in our nation’s history: The storming of our House of Congress by a bunch of incited hooligans unwilling to accept the democratic process of free elections. You don’t always get what 

Furthermore, Trump, after being informed of the actions of his invited crazy supporters and their damaging consequences, refused  to end their illegal actions, and refused to issue Twitter notifications also asking them to “back off” or desist — thus again placing his imprimatur or tacit approval on their illegal actions.

Furthermore, Trump then delayed by hours the calling of the National Guard to assist the beleaguered Capital Police officers, thus endangering their lives. Unforgivable.

This act of sedition against the lawful work of our highest governing body in these United States must be addressed by the Congress of the United States before this cancerous and lethal disease spreads, and we become a lawless, third-world country.

From Robert Ericson, Lanesborough, Massachusetts

The writer is a four-year veteran of the U.S. Navy and a 35-year Department of Defense contractor.

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